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Most popular programming language for real-world applications

Python Classes for Kids

Computational thinking
Basic programming
Skills developed at the course

Reasons to study Python

Python has a big future in AI programming, machine learning, data analysis and game development. Many popular services such as Instagram, Netflix, Google, etc. use it and need a lot of Python developers.
In-Demand Programming Language
Your child spends a lot of time online? Make this hobby useful! By learning Python, your child will learn how to create their own games, solve logic problems and gain a much better understanding how the computer works.
Useful Hobby
Python at ITGENIO is a sure and easy step on programming journey. Our tutors make sure your child will be able to develop critical thinking skills, boost creativity, improve knowledge in related areas such as math.
Good Place to Start

Python course is perfect for children that:

Want to try their first text-based programming language
Consider taking an Python course at a university
Want to develop analytical and logical thinking and participate in coding competitions

A student at the end of the Python course:

Understands programming fundamentals: libraries, architecture, algorithms
Develops problem-solving skills
Practices breaking down problems into smaller, manageable parts
Has practical experience with Python language and modules
01. Block Python

Python course modules

4 modules for kids of different age and coding background. A student can take between one and four modules depending on their skills.
Recommended for children switching from Scratch or Minecraft to Python. Designed to prepare students for complex text-based Python programming. Suits 9+ year-olds without knowledge of the programming basics.
01. Block Python
This module is suitable for children who have completed Scratch course and are ready to code. To sign up for this module children must be able to read well, understand theoretical materials and think logically. The course is aimed at children of 10 years old and older. Kids under the age of 13 must take a test before signing up for the course.
02. Python
PyGame is an additional course to Python programming. It includes improving object-oriented programming skills, as well as FPS, rendering and other skills that are used in game-making process. It is suitable for children from 10 years old.
03. PyGame
For this module the student should have a good knowledge of Python, preferably should have already completed at least one of our Python courses. Flask is a framework for Python that helps with the creation of full-fledged websites. It suits 12-year-olds and older kids.
04. Flask

Python course curriculum

10-20 lessons
20-30 lessons
30-40 lessons
Data input and output and mathematics
Basic development environment for Python, creating, running and saving programs. Variable. Integer and string. Print and input functions. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Integer division. Division without remainder. Remainder of division, rounding.
Importing modules. Math, random, turtle modules
Built-in ready-made modules, advanced math, random numbers, and drawing algorithms. Ways to import modules. Using out-of-the-box functions from modules.
Boolean data type. Comparison operators. Construct if-elif-else. Logical operators. The student will learn how to make simple, nested, and complex conditional constructions.
While loop
The while loop. An infinite loop. Break and continue loop control operators. The student will learn how to use loop control operators and variable-counters, and make a loop with a condition inside.
Actions with strings, indexes, and slices. Finding, counting, and replacing characters. Letters, managing letter cases and numbers in strings.
For loop
The student will learn how to run through words and sentences and generate numeric ranges.
The student will learn what lists are, how to find the maximum and minimum values in a list of items, and how to sort lists according to various criteria.
Additional modules
Working with text files on your computer, features of working with date and time, third-party modules. The open function. The pickle module. The datetime and time module. Terminal and installation of custom modules via the pip package manager. The pillow module.
The student will learn how to create functions, use arguments and parameters, and how to return a result from a function.
Designing a graphical user interface using the tkinter library
Label, Button, Frame, LabelFrame, Entry, Listbox, Toplevel, Scale widgets. Widget configuration. Basics of interface design, window creation, ready-made widgets (button, input field and other elements), connection of widgets with program functionality.
The student will learn how to create empty dictionaries, dictionaries with "key-value" pairs, get values by key, add a new pair to an existing dictionary, modify values, delete the last pair, delete pairs by their keys, clear the dictionary completely, and go through the keys and values.
Designing a graphical user interface using the tkinter library
Delayed function triggering, lambda expressions, exception handling and the interactive messagebox sub-module. Exception handling: try, except, finally. Messagebox. The bind, forget and destroy methods. The pyinstaller module.
The student will learn how to create a set, how to convert other data types into a set, how to find out if sets are equal, what are the properties of sets, how to find out if a set belongs to a set and the power of a set.
Designing a graphical user interface using the tkinter library
Creating a canvas and drawing geometric shapes. Changing and removing objects, calling functions, creating labels. Handling intersections and undoing delayed triggering. Drawing lines and changing coordinates with coords. The study of the tkinter module will continue with the creation of a new widget — Canvas that allows one to draw shapes and handle their intersections.
Designing a graphical user interface using the tkinter library
The module will explore the concept of "modularity", which allows you to create one large project from several smaller modules. Radiobutton, Checkbutton and Spinbox widgets.
Two-Dimensional Arrays
The student will study two-dimensional arrays, find ways to apply matrices, and solve a number of problems with them.
Object-oriented programming
The student will use the example of game classes (Warrior, Mage, etc.) to understand what classes are, why to use them and what benefits they provide.
Additional modules
Additional sections are given depending on the student’s preferences. The requests library and BeautifulSoup4. Web parsing basics. Telebot or discord library. Creating a bot for Telegram or Discord and running the bot on Heroku. The basics of Git. Versions, creating a repository on Github, commands init, add, commit, remote, push and others.

Meet ITgenio tutors — Python experts that are passionate about children and their subject

Yury Herasimovich
About Python course
About our tutors
Top tutor
Our students are trained by experienced tutors and active professionals in IT technologies, machine learning, neural networks, analytics, and mathematics. Our tutors also prepare the students for programming competitions and olympiads.
28 tutors
Only one out of every fifty candidates becomes a tutor at ItGenio
The tutor will become not only a mentor but also a friend to your child
Interesting facts about the course:

Python is among the top 5 programming languages. The largest global companies use Python, including Google, IBM, Yahoo, Netflix, Spotify, Amazon, Mozilla, Dropbox, Pinterest, YouTube, and many others.
Languages of instruction: ——
Education: BS in Electrical Engineering (electric drives & robotics)
Interesting facts about the course:

Python is among the top 5 programming languages. The largest global companies use Python, including Google, IBM, Yahoo, Netflix, Spotify, Amazon, Mozilla, Dropbox, Pinterest, YouTube, and many others.
Choose a larger package, pay less per class
Change between subjects without any fees
Gain solid knowledge and publish a project
16 lessons
$334.4 total cost
Master a course or start a second one
32 lessons
$604.8 total cost
Quick start
Explore multiple subjects and build a strong portfolio
64 lessons
$1081.6 total cost
Use a strong portfolio and skillset to prepare for paid projects
128 lessons
$1907.2 total cost
Gain solid knowledge and publish a project
16 lessons
$296.00 total cost
Master a course or start a second one
32 lessons
$540.80 total cost
Quick start
Explore multiple subjects and build a strong portfolio
64 lessons
$953.60 total cost
Use a strong portfolio and skillset to prepare for paid projects
128 lessons
$1728 total cost
Gain solid knowledge and publish a project
16 lessons
$264,00 USD total cost
Master a course or start a second one
32 lessons
$476,80 USD total cost
Quick start
Explore multiple subjects and build a strong portfolio
64 lessons
$864,00 USD total cost
Use a strong portfolio and skillset to prepare for paid projects
128 lessons
$1523,20 USD total cost
Gain solid knowledge and publish a project
16 lessons
$222.40 total cost
Master a course or start a second one
32 lessons
$412.80 total cost
Quick start
Explore multiple subjects and build a strong portfolio
64 lessons
$736.00 total cost
Use a strong portfolio and skillset to prepare for paid projects
128 lessons
$1344.00 total cost
Gain solid knowledge and publish a project
16 lessons
$206,40 total cost
Master a course or start a second one
32 lessons
$380,80 total cost
Quick start
Explore multiple subjects and build a strong portfolio
64 lessons
$672,00 total cost
Use a strong portfolio and skillset to prepare for paid projects
128 lessons
$1216,00 total cost