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App Inventor

App Development Classes for Kids

Block coding for creating Android mobile apps
Smartphones and tablets have become our irreplaceable assistants. A few clicks and numerous apps are already installed! Many children, who are fond of coding, are eager to create mobile games and useful apps by themselves.

But what to do if coding is too early for now? Start learning App Inventor! This language is pretty simple, because it was originally created for pupils. To code you don’t have to write code lines, as it is in “adult” programming language. Coding is aided by blocks, like in Scratch.

MIT App Inventor - a programming environment, developed by scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

It’s a cloud environment for visual development of apps for OS Android platform. It doesn’t demand knowledge of programming languages such as Java and Android SDK, so basic knowledge of algorithmic development is enough.

The difference between App Inventor and Scratch is that App Inventor is intended for creating apps for a mobile device – either smartphone or tablet with OS Android. For example, it can “understand” data of an accelerometer of mobile device, control an integrated camera, see mobile’s space orientation and many other things.
Who are the classes suitable for?
  • For those who want to learn how to create mobile apps
  • For eight-year-olds and older, but those who are younger than nine need to take a check-up test for signing up
  • For those who aren’t psychologically ready to start learning “adult programming languages”
  • For those who know the Scratch basis (cycles, variables, lists, algorithms)

Programming with AppInventor

Learning the basics of programming, creating mobile applications of varying complexity using visual programming.
Perfect for students aged 8+
This course will let children to create their own apps from the 1st lesson. Moreover, it will be possible to install these apps on their smartphones or tablets with OS Android, to use them, to share with friends and even to upload the apps in Google Play.

Don’t worry if you’re an Iphone or MAC user, App Inventor will suit you as well. If you don’t have an Android, just install a free software on your computer in order to use the Android screen emulator.

The App Inventor course is taught by top-tier tutors

Miguel Araniva
About App Inventor course
About our tutors
Top tutor
Our tutors are mobile app developers and testers, holders of honors degrees, and have master's degrees in education and technical sciences.

4 tutors
Only one out of every fifty candidates becomes a tutor at ItGenio
The tutor will become not only a mentor but also a friend to your child
Interesting facts about the course:

We'll create and set up a mobile app right in our first class. App Inventor is the simplest programming language for developing mobile apps, allowing for the creation of complex and engaging projects. The projects we create can be published on Google Play.
Interesting facts about the course:

We'll create and set up a mobile app right in our first class. App Inventor is the simplest programming language for developing mobile apps, allowing for the creation of complex and engaging projects. The projects we create can be published on Google Play.
Languages of instruction: eng
Education: BS in Chemistry
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