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HTML+CSS & JavaScript

Web-coding is creating and designing sites using the HTML markup language, CSS styles, and the JavaScript programming language.

HTML is a skeleton of a site, CSS is its appearance, and JavaScript is its abilities. Even to make a beautiful animated button press, one needs to write a small script.

Before the trial class it's important to install the Sublime or Notepad ++.
#from 10 years old

Examples of our students projects

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Web-coding Classes are taught by the best tutors
Our tutor becomes a friend for a student
Our high-standard shortlisting lets us hire the most experienced tutors in term of working with kids
290 000+ hours
70 countries
from 2016
were given by our teachers
parents trust us with their children
we successfully help to study online
Find a common language with any child, which makes education more effective
In this course, students will master all the necessary skills for developing full-fledged web applications (interactive sites) and create their own projects, which will improve their resume as a web developer in the future.
JavaScript specialists are in great demand, so your child will be able to get a worthy profession in the future. Moreover, the programming process itself is very exciting!
For those who want to work with simple code for the first time. The completed base will allow the child to lower the threshold of entry into the university or work in the future. The acquired knowledge will allow you to carry out real projects on small orders.

Why will learning Web-coding be useful for your child?

The Web-coding course is taught by top-tier tutors

Yana Kopylova
About Web-coding course
About our tutors
Top tutor
Some of our tutors are involved in developing our platform for teaching children, as well as supporting and updating the ITgenio website with information.
15 tutors
Only one out of every fifty candidates becomes a tutor at ItGenio
The tutor will become not only a mentor but also a friend to your child
Languages of instruction: eng
Interesting facts about the course:

1. HTML is a text-based language, which means that it is made up of text and tags.
2. The first web page was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991.
3. HTML is a constantly evolving language. New features are added to HTML on a regular basis.
4. HTML is the foundation of all web pages. Without HTML, there are many resources available online and libraries to learn more about HTML.
5. HTML can be used to create interactive web pages by using scripting languages such as JavaScript.
Interesting facts about the course:

1. HTML is a text-based language, which means that it is made up of text and tags.
2. The first web page was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991.
3. HTML is a constantly evolving language. New features are added to HTML on a regular basis.
4. HTML is the foundation of all web pages. Without HTML, there are many resources available online and libraries to learn more about HTML.
5. HTML can be used to create interactive web pages by using scripting languages such as JavaScript.
Education: BS in Electronic security systems
• Operating System: Windows 8/8.1/10 x64, Mac OS 10.12 or later;
• Installed browser Google Chrome;
• RAM: 4 GB (recommended 8 GB);
• Processor 2-core with a clock frequency of 2.2 GHz (preferably 4-core if possible);
• Hard disk space: at least 4-6 GB of free hard disk space;
• Screen resolution: preferably 1280x800 pixels;
• Microphone or headset;
• Speakers;
• Internet connection from 1 Mbps.
System requirements
Why is a trial lesson a great opportunity for your child?
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Trial lesson will cost 0$, without any hidden fees or deposits necessary
The student will create the first project
You can get some rest while we will take care of everything
Our tutor will suggest the most suitable learning program for your child